Back Story Time!

Pop the kettle on, make yourself a cuppa and get comfy. We have a story to tell you, Who knows there may be more than one but we'll come to that.......

Are you comfy? Good, we'll begin, I'm Tea-Rex and this is Tea Genie and we are tea infusers, there are more of us but I'm sure you'll get to meet the others another time. Anyway I digress, as I was saying Genie and I are tea infusers, not the most glamorous role you'd think, being filled with leaves and dunked into boiling water. In normal circumstances you'd be right but thanks to a little Genie magic we are anything but normal.

As it happens our owner doesn't actually use us, we're collectibles, Genie and I are her mascots for her tea & coffee blog. Genie stays home to guard the others and her vast stash of tea, while I travel with her always.

Let me take you back to before our present day to explain how it is that you are reading the word of a mere infuser albeit through another as I'm sure you can appreciate I can't actually write or type particularly well.

Before Genie arrived I was just a plastic novelty, sat on a shelf, a bit of a talking point and not much more. Genie arrived via an online auction site one day, not more than a few days has passed before our girl had her idea and our partnership was created. As you can imagine we were shelved together before my travelling companion days began.

Now I don't know how Genie got his magic but I'm so glad he has it! He somehow managed to bring myself and the others to life! It was like waking from a life long sleep, I knew where i was and what I was but not much more, we all spent the next few  weeks slowly exploring our surroundings and getting to know each other, there was only a few of us back then, we didn't know the gift Genie had given us!

Genie told us that the real genies were nothing more than an illusion created by his ancestors, the genie lamps the held all the true power. Unfortunately that power is now so diluted and depleted Genie could only perform the life spell and one other. That second spell, now that is where the true adventure really began for us!

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